Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Quote of The Day

"Inspiration does not come to me, I go halfway to meet it".
-Sigmund Freud

BMTH di cancel ya?


bye bye oli sykes HAHAHA eh sebenarnya berita ini udah lama sih tapi gua aja yang males update hehe

risk taker?

i take back my word where i once said that im a risk taker, finally I've realize dozens things that I fear beyond my nightmares. Most of my fear stays in silence and didnt get a chance to be discovered, my fears start with my past and future. Im hoping the statement of the past should stay dead will be true for me, but no. My past keep haunting me, I barely can get rid of it. How about my fears in the future? well, it scared me to death.



my life is crap. well who am i? i'm the pretender. the lies beneath my life is perfect, tryin hard to be my self as an indicator of my life as a pretender self centered beyotch, bitchy little sidekick, homie suicide aaand a perfect backstabber, and last but not least a slapstick actress. how pathetic? like someone even care your miser-drama-made-life, whatever. scum

those above are the step by step to make your live more looks like to misery, i have a friend well not actually a friend that follow the steps above. well she lives in desperate, she think every little pieces of her life is a misery to her, even a single step will always feel like in the vuneral, isnt that wonderful? a perfect living of a drama queen.

ih gaya deh gue ngomong apa coba bahasa inggris belepotan aja bacot deh gua ahahaha bodo ah kan biar kul.


its so in right now just wanna know how to wear it for sure, i mean the size its too huge, totally not fit to my little feet muahahah