Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tadi sore jam set4an gua ketiduran eh terus dibangunin jam 5an gara gara ternyata kucing gua juga ikutan tidur haha gua ngapain ngapain gitu terus akhirnya sebelum maghrib gua udh tidur lagi karena ngantuk dan kedinginan udaaaaaaah tuh tidur tenang, jeng gua bangun nyokap gue nyolek nyolek trs ngmg: km belum mandi ya sekarang sdh jam sepuluh. gua cengo karena gua bingung knp jam 10 pagi gelap banget terus kenapa nykp gua ga bangunin gua ke sekolah? Ternyata masih malem deh

Monday, June 15, 2009


Gua males nulis panjang
Intinya gua sia sia kesekolah.
Kenapa? Karena ternyata hari ini cuma pengumuman doang.
Pengumuman remed pelajaran apa? Bukan. Itu, cuma pengumuman kalo besok bakalan ada remed Agama, B. Indonesia sama apa gitu ya satu lagi.
Yee, mendingan gua gausah masuk aja sekalian.
Until then, how boring is blog trully are.
Males ngepost ah byeyeyeyey

♥ andie

Sunday, June 14, 2009

all day long

im bored, extremely bored, i just want to get the hell outta here. i wanna go shoppppping or at least sightseeing. god, help me someone? any one? no, oh-well-bye-beyotch.

seez youz laterz alligatorz


What is your current obsession?
macbook, white and a thousand things would be on my list

What is your weirdest obsession?
having such a 'normal life'

What are you wearing today?
shorts and tees

What's for dinner today?
I havent eaten

Why is today special?
nothing seems so special

What would you like to learn to do?
Save money

What's the last thing you bought?
Last nights, a hoka hoka bento

What are you listening to right now?
mouse clicking and keyboard typing

What is your favorite weather?
Any kind

What is your most challenging goal right now?
Got no remedial on my final exam

If you could have a house totally paid for fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be?
Somewhere beside my parents and friends

What would you like to have in your hands right now?
A million dollars worth of cash and an iPhone would be cool

What would you like to get rid of?
my postpone-everything-ability

If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
Its late and probably the best place is the bed

Which language do you want to learn?
Spain and France

What do you look for in a friend?
less bitchy-ness

Who do you want to meet in person?
why should i?

What's your favorite type of music?
sound friendly to my ears

What's the favorite piece of clothing in your own closet?
the-jeans HAHAHA

What is your dream job?
actually a fashion desighner maybe or a pattern maker

Any favorite models?
dont know, they just look all the same

If you had $100 now what would you spend it on?
a macbook, white and everything i got on my list woohoo

Favorite designer?
dont care

Do you admire anyone's style?

Describe your personal style?
affordable HAHAHA
Dress like there's no tomorrow.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

here goes nothing

well hello again, it such a blur, i hate my blog is too plain-but too much in the words, err. i've just took a bath and i think i really need to took a bath again, it soo hot in here. i looking for inspiration anyway and they havent come, yet. i was wondering about a cute horse silhouette its made of wood, i saw it yesterday and i made myself promise to come back there again today, to buy it of course its a pendant of necklace. i wont use the necklace, i just love the pendant so gonna mix it with other material and turn them into a money worth necklace woohoo! im craving for another lomo by the way, my fisheye is rotten (kidding) well its kinda boring actually but who cares im gonna find it interesting later.............. yeah maybe later. and im wearing glasses people and it feels weird and more disturbing in a way, i prefer not to wear the glasses except on the case that i'm going to read oor studying, well in that case its actually feel better. uuh and my speaker is broken i dont know how but who cares ya. i cutted my bangs again (it turns out to be a hobby then hahaha) , last night i just make it more tidier and noting is wrong. i got bad cough and a sore throath, it tickles my troath and a bit hurt. i got alist of things to-do for tomorrow. aah god i need a short holiday, swimming is cool then. i want to many things, i guess. well yaa you know is kinda boring.